This tutorial was all about HTML tables as well as the first dabble into CSS which I used
to change the font size of the table.
Tables are formatted with a table head, body and
footer through the "<thead>" "<tbody>" and
"<tfoot>" tags, these are all placed in a
"<table>" element. Tables then have "<tr>"
elements which create rows in the table, each row can have columns created with the
"<td>" tag which enables us to put data values into the table.
As with an HTML document, which has a head and a body, a table has a simlar structure with a head, a body and a footer. In the head of the table we place the rows that will appear at the top of the table, this is usually used for coloumn headings. The table body holds the bulk information of the table, this is where we would place most of our table's data. Lastly we have the footer which goes at the bottom of the table, this can be used to store information such as the sum of all the values in a particular column.
Inside the "<td>" tag we can place a "rowspan" or "colspan" along with a value to make the data value span across X number of coloumns or rows.
the "<th>" tag is used to create values in the table which will be headers in the table. In the th tag we can tell the website if we would like to have this header be for the row or the column by using the "scope" attribute which we can give a value of row or col to set the header on the side of the table or the top of the table respectively.