This is where the journey started, the first codecademy tutorial. This tutorial covered the basics of HTML such as the structure of a website, what head and body tags are, divs, links and how to embed images and videos.
The first part of the tutorial covered basic HTML structure.
The code must first declare that it is an HTML document with the "<!DOCTYPE>" tag, this tells the browser that it is HTML code and allows us to set the HTML version we are using. We then need to use "<head>" and "<body>" tags, the head tag is used for all information about the page such as titles, linking other documents like css and javascript documents and any meta information.
I also learnt how to use the anchor element "<a>" which is used to create links. By using href inside the a tag, we can link to other locations be it internal or external to the site. We can also add "target" to the a tag which we can add _blank to which will open links in a new tab.
Another part of the tutorial was embedding media such as images and videos, this is done through the use of "<img>" and "<video>" tags. The img tag was used to embed them images on this page